Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star...

There is more than one way to help a puppy fall asleep. Check out this video.

Lots of dogs, just like humans, have trouble sleeping at night and the remedies for dogs aren't so dissimilar from those for humans:

1) Exercise them! A few hours before bedtime giving your dog lots of exercise or taking a long walk together can be really helpful. But just like with people, exercising right before bedtime can be stimulating. Don't get suckered into playing after the last time out at night.

2) Feed them! Just like you don't like to go to bed hungry, neither do puppies. Be sure they aren't going to bed on an empty stomach. Are you feeding them too early or not enough? See if going to bed with a little something in the tummy makes a difference.

3) Bathe them! Fleas, fleabites and itchy skin conditions can keep your pet wake at night. This is not uncommon. Talk to your veterinarian about something to help your dog’s itchy skin condition. Our own Guard Well has been chosen by many pet owners to soothe itchy skin conditions. Check out these testimonials.

4) Massage them! A good massage will relax most dogs just like us humans. Spray some Canine Calm on your hands and massage into your puppy's head, ears and belly. Aches and pains will keep a senior dog awake. Talk to your vet about buffered aspirin or joint supplements.

And just like humans, aromatherapy can calm a restless dog. Try a diffuser with lavender, ylang ylang, clary sage or Canine Calm essential oil blend. Not only will it help your pup get to sleep but it will help you have sweet dream, too!

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